Developer Interview - Fabrice from Cowcat Games
We did an interview with Fabrice, the creator of BROK the InvestiGator; about the game, game development and games in general. Here's what he said:
1. Hi there, tell us a bit about you:
Hi! I’m Fabrice Breton, a 39 year old French solo developer & publisher.
I've always been fascinated by coding and studied programming at university, then I had a "regular job" at a company making software for hospitals for 7 years. And then I decided to "go for it", leave this job and go full indie!
2. What were you favorite game or games when growing up?
I’ve always been playing video games a lot, in varied genres, but I’ve always loved adventure games before anything, in all its forms in the 90’s: JRPGs like the classics Final Fantasy, Chrono Trigger..., point & click adventures like King’s Quest, Broken Sword, Gabriel Knight... adventure/action like Shenmue. More recently, visual novels with investigation like Ace Attorney, Zero Escape or Danganronpa series have become my favorites!
3. When did you start making games?
I've made games all my life, starting with an Amstrad CPC when I was 8 year old. I loved it because it was so simple to use and understand, it really pushed creativity forward! (something I've found enjoying back again by using GameMaker now)
4. What made you start developing games?
When you love playing games, obviously a part of you also wants to make them, to bring your own contribution to the gaming world!
And if I can make a living out of it, isn't that ideal?
5. Why did you decide to make BROK the InvestiGator, what was your inspiration? How did you come up with the idea and story?
Ever since I left my day job in 2014, I had in mind this croc detective character and figured, why not blend two opposite genres by allowing player to solve situations in several ways - by using their brain or by hitting enemies and stuff? It's always been frustrating to me when adventure games don't offer a logical solution. When a door is blocking your way, you could try to lockpick it, but why wouldn't you be able to smash it open as well? Of course, with consequences...!
6. What are your characters based on in the game? For example real life experiences and people, movies etc.
Pretty simple, Brok is inspired by cartoons from the late 80’s/early 90’s, Disney Afternoon and TaleSpin in particular. These series were actually often darker than expected. I love contrasts - between colorful and cute animals, to the dark story with a struggle to survive and anyone can get killed!
7. How would you describe the style of BROK the InvestiGator?
Not a style exactly, but it's for everyone! I tried to make sure all kinds of players can enjoy it, with lots of "quality of life" features. You can skip action/fights, switch chapter, get in-game hints, replay the game by skipping cutscenes and dialogue...
And it even includes full accessibility to blind players - one of the very few games out there with this possibility!
8. What are you most proud of about BROK/what do you like most about it?
Having built a universe and characters that a growing fan community loves!
9. Did you experience any challenges in the development of the game?
Does it count if I say "everything is difficult"? ^^'
Really, there's no easy part when it comes to game development. But if I had to pinpoint particular areas difficult to programming, designing and implementing controls for all options (mouse + keyboard, keyboard only or controller) for both modes and making it possible to switch seamlessly from one control scheme to another was a lot of headaches and some hard choices. Mouse controls prevented from adding grab moves, for example. You don't often see Beat 'em ups with mouse controls, but it was required to make this mix work!
10. Is there anything you think could have been better?
For now I don't have any real regret, only very small things. My background is not artist so I always find my backgrounds and character animations (the ones I did myself) lacking. Also I wish I had delegated more stuff so it wouldn't have taken this long, though!
11. Are there any Easter eggs in the game?
Yeah, including a big one that most players end up using because it gives a WHOLE LOT of money! lol
12. Are you planning on making more games? What will your next game be about in that case?
Yep, I have several BROK related projects in development, of various forms! Too early to announce though! I just released BROK on mobile and on consoles last year, added accessibility and a co-op give me a break! lol
A big thank you to Fabrice, for taking the time to answer these questions. It was interesting to know more about him and his game.
He has previously made the game Demetrios - The BIG Cynical Adventure. You should check that out as well!