Two games on a date

Started by FireFlower
  • If two story rich games from the same genre, or different genres (adventure and RPG for example), would go on a date. What games do you think would match and make a good couple?
    Or you could also put it like this: If you would merge/combine two story rich games, what games do you think would be a good blend?

  • springtoiffel

    if Winter Voices (RPG) would go on a date with Rainswept (adventure= the result would pretty much be Disco Elysium (RPG).
    Life is Strange (adv) and Gone Home (adv) would be a good fit.
    I also feel like Disco Elysium and Planescape Torment (RPG) would be a good couple.
    and also Betrayal at Krondor (RPG) and Game of Thrones (2012 RPG by Cyanide Studio).