Skip episodes?

Started by Alexander
  • Hey,
    I wanted to replay AGON - I've once played it to the beginning of episode 3. Now, after reinstallig Windows, I noticed that I had forgotten to backup the savegames… Is there a way to skip the first two episodes to begin with the third? Or does anybody have a savegame for me?
    Thanks for your help!

  • Hey,

    It's not possible to skip episodes but the developer has provided us with a save file that lets you start at episode 3, it can be found in your account. The save file should be copied to this folder, overwriting the existing file, if there is one: %appdata%\Private Moon Studios\AGON_Tmc\Save\Slots.

  • Hi,
    That's great, thank you very much for your help! :)
    Have an nice day.